About Me

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Born 1969 England. Arrived in Australia 1972. Single. No children. Partially disabled from severe osteoporosis, pituitary gland tumor (benign), myopathy and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hypermobile in every joint). 18 yrs caring for my quadriplegic cerebral palsy friend, Rob. Ceramic artist www.sam-davies.blogspot.com

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Yep. Still looking like a 45 degree pretzel confined to a bed . My electric wheelchair's proving problematic to repair so a part has to be replaced. No idea how long that will take. Must be over six weeks now without it. Not that I will be able to sit in it for long...perhaps. My butt still has a fragile area despite not having sat on it for about eight weeks now.

Thankfully the end of my electric bed can be raised so when the head end is raised my butt doesn't slide down the bed as much. I long to go outside and participate in some form of physical activity. But in or out of my wheelchair it will be too painful for me. Have missed out on our first summer in NSW. It's now autumn. All Sam's summer activity plans for me have gone out the window. Probably also miss the up and coming annual Sydney Show we were looking forward to so much.

Turn forty soon. Hopefully the next forty years won't see me winning the title of "The Couch Potato King". I hate being a couch potato. How anyone can enjoy sitting around doing nothing much is beyond me. But at least at home I still have most of my privacy, can stay up as late as I need and have access to IPad, books, talk back radio and DVD's. And eat a balanced diet mostly of my choice to keep my weight down. Which is a lot more than many institutionalised. I must try and remain positive though severely depressed.

High-light of my day (04/03/2013) so far is that my swollen penis from being crushed between my pillow and legs has gone down so I can again wear urodomes and not pee onto a thick towel as I've been needing to these past three days. Life is so exciting!!! And a lot less smelly.

Face has become a little puffy on the left side due to the affect of only being able to sleep on my left side for the past several weeks. And the sores on my underlegs and groin area are worsening. And I won't start with a ramble about the never ending pain.


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