About Me

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Born 1969 England. Arrived in Australia 1972. Single. No children. Partially disabled from severe osteoporosis, pituitary gland tumor (benign), myopathy and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hypermobile in every joint). 18 yrs caring for my quadriplegic cerebral palsy friend, Rob. Ceramic artist www.sam-davies.blogspot.com

Saturday, February 9, 2013

To Ignominy and beyond

During all my stays in hospitals as an adult no one has asked in depth about my gross motor skills. I've had to offer demonstrations to both doctors, nurses and physiotherapists.  Which is generally just a brief demo of me reaching for the air when in a bed followed by verbal tales of my physical abilities, though limited. And it's even worse when I have to actually explain to doctors what cerebral palsy is!!!So it's pretty hilarious when I get a discharge report saying I have been thoroughly assessed! One of the common reasons doctors give for not wanting to remove my legs is that I will loose my balance. Wow!! I'd didn't know I had balance!! My legs offer no balance and twist to the left and with just enough up motion to topple me over to the left. So over the next few days I'll be posting to this site some action video clips. And the most ludicrous situation is when someone that has just met me and has not even laid a hand on my for evaluation tells me what my abilities are.
I am generally naked as trying to dress me is like fighting with a plastic doll due to my stiff limbs. Clothes get tangled and their creases dig into me; interfere with my external urodomes, colostomy and make my psoriasis worse as my skin can not breath. And now that I am house bond who cares.

In my video clips I wear a nappy to show what I have to wear in hospital or in out of home care. I also chose to bear my flesh so the full extent of my physical condition and movement can be seen.

Rolling Robbie...I wish!

Game of Thrones

I do a lot of reading. Presently I've just started on the Game of Throne series Sam picked up the other day. Unfortunately, as I have to have a huge pillow between my legs to reduce pain, I have to battle for reading space. Here I am flipping through a novel to find where I left off and use my left arm as a book rest.

Robbie sandwich

This second hand electric hospital bed raises both at the leg and head area. It is necessary as my legs can not lay flat. I can also use the controls which is fantastic as I don't have to disturb anyone to do it for me.  

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