Bow Pillow
Here's me and my huge bow shaped pillow that I share a bed with 24/7. It's necessary to keep my legs spread so my legs' ball and sockets don't rub together as bad and thus ease most of my pain.
Unfortunately, the pillow must be right up to my stomach. Which then causes my colostomy to become crushed at times and leak poo over me and my bed when my legs start to contract strongly and push my pillow harder against my stomach.
Behind me I need additional pillows to keep me on my side as the contractures in my legs cause my hip to twist. When I end up on my back I am again faced with the ball and socket in my legs rubbing together and also the pain triggering more contractures like a domino affect.
Another draw back with my pillow is my urodome (external catheter) being crushed and leaking urine so it needs regular checking and precise positioning by Sam. I do not wear nappies at home as this would have me laying in a wet nappy most of the day. Nappy changes are also excruciatingly painful.
In the above photo I am also wrestling with a book as I've not much room to maneuver due to the large pillow. But I have little option now that I've been condemned to a life in bed.
I'm still waiting for my problematic electric wheelchair to return from repairs. So I can not sit in it. But even when I get it back I will only be able to sit in it for a couple of hours as I now have a tender spot on my upper right butt (above). This tender spot I developed a couple of months ago after the worsening twist in my hip forced it heavily against the back of my wheelchair. And even though it's had no pressure on it for many weeks it has not recovered and left me with very fragile skin.
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