Some weeks ago Sam cut my hair and we blogged about it. Now it's time for a all over shave due to my worsening psoriasis. And since I might be having a few days stay in a hospital soon for minor tendon release for my hip twist my hair won't be a care issue. Actually, I'm generally bald, as is Sam, but moving to the cooler region of NSW of Australia from the killer heat of the Top End of the Northern Territory we decided to let our hair grow a bit. But now it's back to the bald look and a woolly hat for the approaching winter. We love the cold so looking forward to it.
So above are the two piles of hair after Sam attacked me with the scissors.
Then the usual foam-up with watery Sorbolene to soften hard skin flakes from psoriasis that clog up razor blades.
Cleaning my scalp with the aid of Sam's finger nails all the dead skin has gone and now all squeaky clean the razor blades go to work.
Thankful that the traumatising clean up is over...
Sam gives me a warm hug to settle my nerves both mentally and physically. Sadly, this is the only form of a hug I can have as my legs are in the way and are so sensitive to the touch they strike out or go into violent shakes (clonis) and need strapping down. And my wheelchair's foot plates are so huge they're a threat to others shins. Leaning over to hug me is a real strain on anyone's back. Particularly Sam's with him having three and a half discs missing in his upper spine and compression fractures due to degenerative spinal disease. I am so looking forward to having my legs just above my knees removed if possible. To hug normally for the first time in my life...!!! Being mostly free of pain and knowing my legs won't interfere and even cause harm to my hugger so far remains a life time dream.
After the hug I do my general thing of falling asleep after trauma.
Now clean shaved the scar from my suicide attempt while in a hospital to end my life due to chronic hip and leg pain back in 2009 is very visible. This is what a flight of stairs with metal capping does and what happens when a psychiatrist records on medical files that nothing is wrong; not even slightly depressed apparently. After all, I'm always smiling, right. NO! When in pain my facial muscles do the 'grin thing' and do not grimace. It's the 'bloody cerebral palsy' smile as Sam puts it. And to make matters worse I start laughing or cracking jokes when I stress out or get down. Most of any giggling I do is stress or fear related and seems to be a form of stress release as I can't go and beat up a punching bag or go for a run...or do ANYTHING for that matter.

Here I am the next day. The powdery pale appearance is from the dried up saturated solution of Bi Carb applied to my entire face and head to raise my skin's pH levels that my form of psoriasis hates. Leave me a few days without the Bi Carb and I can end up looking like I've been attacked by a blow torch.
We have just made our 13th or 14th house move in seven years!! But we've been reassured we can stay in our new residence for up to five years. STABILITY!! A 'home' to live in and not just a house. Now we have routine and my skin care can be more focused. And Sam can start doing some pottery again soon...hopefully.